Wind Chill Calculator

NOTE: This Wind Chill Calculator estimates the temperature felt by the body as a result of wind speed and actual air temperature. The calculator works for air temperatures between -50°F and 50°F. This is also a Cold Day Calculator that can help you stay safe by providing you with information about the wind chill temperature.

Using the windchill calculator, one may convert the ethereal sensation of wind cold into an exact figure. The actual temperature and the wind chill temperature are now both included in the majority of modern weather forecasts.

What is Wind Chill?

Definition: Windchill is described as the sensation of a temperature drop brought on by air moving across your skin. But this is more than simply an emotion! It exists in reality and might have genuine effects on your health.

Celsius wind chill index for Wind Chill Calculator
Windchill Chart Celsius (Credit: Wikipedia)

The impacts of wind chill may be felt if you’ve ever gone outdoors on a day that is nominally 52°F but feels like it might be 33°F.

It is brought on by the air passing over your skin removing heat from your body more quickly than usual. This is the technique we use to cool down in the summer with fans, so it does not necessarily have a terrible impact.

The three main ways that a surface loses heat are as follows:

  1. Energy is transferred inside a body via conduction.
  2. Particle movement in liquids or gases is known as convection.
  3. Heat radiation is used to transmit energy via space.

Your body constantly produces heat that warms the air around you. This border of warmer air remains with you for longer when convection is extremely low, i.e., the air is stationary and is temporarily held by the hairs on your skin.

The limit of warmer air is removed by convection as the wind blows, and new, colder air is introduced in its place.

As a result, your skin radiates more heat into the air around you, which causes your body to cool down more quickly and lower your body temperature.

This is how the cooling properties of the wind work. The wind chill calculator converts it into a precise number, which is very helpful in real-world applications.

How to Figure Wind Chill Using This Calculator?

The formula we use for the wind chill calculation is the most recent one, which takes the input of outdoor temperature in Fahrenheit and Celcius and wind speed in KM/h or M/h and gives you the results. So, let’s learn more about how to calculate wind chill using our calculator:

  1. Enter the air temperature in Fahrenheit or Celsius.
  2. Enter the wind speed in miles per hour or kilometers per hour.
  3. Click the “Calculate” button.
  4. The wind chill temperature will be displayed.

How to Figure Wind Chill Using Wind Chill Formula?

Wind Chill Formula Celsius + km/h

WC = 13.12 + 0.6215 * AT * (0.3965 * SY – 11.37) * WS^0.16
WC = Wind chill in celcius
AT = Air temprature in celcius
WS = Wind speed in KM/h

Wind Chill Formula Fahrenheit + m/h

WC = 35.74 + 0.6215 * AT * (0.4275 * AT – 35.75) * WS^0.16
WC = Wind chill in fahreheit
AT = Air temprature in Fahreheit
WS = Wind speed in m/h

Don’t worry if these equations look challenging. You can quickly calculate wind chill using our calculator in both Fahrenheit and miles per hour or Celsius and kilometers per hour. You are in charge!

What is Frostbites?

Frostbite is an injury brought on by the freezing of the tissues under the skin. It develops in phases, with frostnip being the earliest and not resulting in long-term skin damage. Frostbite is characterized by chilly skin, redness, and a numbing sensation.

Important: If you don’t know what the exact wind chill temperature outside is, you can have frostbite by staying in extremely cold weather for a longer period.

Frostbite might worsen if prolonged exposure to cold temperatures occurs. Increased pain, swelling, inflammation, or discharge in the afflicted region, white, blue, or blotchy skin, and hard, cold tissue under the skin are indications of more severe frostbite. Long-term consequences of frostbite might include nerve damage and loss of feeling in the afflicted region.

Wearing the proper clothes and avoiding extended exposure to cold weather are crucial steps you can take to protect yourself against frostbite. If you suspect that you may have frostbite, get help right once.

What is Hypothermia?

Another disaster of wind chill temperature is Hyperthermia. Prolonged exposure to cold temperatures may result in hypothermia, which is an unusually low body temperature.

If a person feels chilled by rain, sweating, or immersion in cold water, it may happen even in chilly temperatures (over 40°F). Shivering, slurred speech or muttering, slow, shallow breathing, weak pulse, awkwardness or lack of coordination, lethargy, or very low energy are all signs of hypothermia.

A medical emergency exists when a person’s body temperature falls below 95°F (35°C), which may be lethal if untreated quickly.

Elderly persons, newborns, young children, those with chronic conditions like diabetes and heart disease, as well as those who are homeless or live in cold climes, are at a greater risk for hypothermia.

How to Survive in Extreme Wind Chill?

Minimizing travel, staying indoors during the worst of the cold weather, keeping a winter survival kit in your vehicle if you must travel, warm clothing, and a hat or mittens that are snug at the wrist are all important ways to survive extreme wind chill conditions.

Keep your mouth covered to prevent wind and snow from entering your lungs, and seek shelter from the rain and wind if you can.

Furthermore, when it is very cold or when the wind chill is significant, it is important to get out of the wind and limit time spent outdoors, as well as use this wind chill temperature calculator from time to time.

Is it Hard to Survive in Extremely Cold Weather?

Extreme cold may be deadly, but with the correct gear and know-how, survival is quite achievable.

Keep warm by donning suitable apparel and finding protection from the wind. It’s also crucial to take in enough calories and fluids to keep your body warm.

Learning to treat hypothermia and frostbite is crucial for making it through the extreme wind chill.

Last but not least, use our wind chill calculator regularly if you live in extremely cold countries.

If you experience problems with the “Wind Chill Calculator,” please contact us at [email protected].

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How to Calculate Wind Chill in Fahrenheit?

To calculate wind chill temperature in Fahrenheit, use the formula: 35.74 + 0.6215T – 35.75V^0.16 + 0.4275TV^0.16, where T is the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit and V is the wind speed in miles per hour. Plug in the values and find the wind chill with ease!

How to Calculate Wind Chill in Celsius?

To calculate the wind chill temperature in Celsius, use the formula 13.12 + 0.6215 * T_a – 11.37 * V^0.16 + 0.3965 * T_a * V^0.16, where T_a represents the air temperature in degrees Celsius, and V is the wind speed in kilometers per hour. Plug in the values for T_a and V, and you’ll get the wind chill temperature in Celsius. Stay informed and prepared for the weather!

How Cold Does it have to be for Frostbite?

Frostbite results from skin tissue freezing due to exposure to cold weather. It can happen when temperatures are below freezing, and the risk escalates when the air temperature drops below 5 degrees Fahrenheit, regardless of high wind speeds. Wind chill values around minus 25 degrees Fahrenheit indicate that frostbite can occur within 15 minutes. The onset of frostbite depends on the combined temperature and wind speed (wind chill).

About the author

Marc Ray

Marc Ray

Marc Ray, Founder of A tech enthusiast & expert in smart home technology, helping homeowners upgrade their homes with the latest smart home security & automation solutions. Marc has over 10 years of experience in smart home technology. He holds a certification in Home Automation Systems and has been featured in Hubspot. You can learn more about Marc and his work. Read his Book, Smart Home Hacks!